U četvrtak u jutarnjim satima po američkom vremenu u Nacionalnoj katedrali u Washingtonu održana je komemoracija koja je označila početak oproštaja od bivšeg američkog predsjednika Jimmyja Cartera, koji je prošlog tjedna preminuo u 100. godini. Na svečanosti se okupilo svih pet živućih američkih predsjednika, no sve je zasjenio trenutak u kojemu je supruga bivšeg Trumpova potpredsjednika Mikea Pencea, Karen, izbjegla rukovanje s Donaldom Trumpom
The main idea of the text is that while five living US Presidents attended the memorial service for Jimmy Carter, the most discussed moment was Karen Pence, wife of former Vice President Mike Pence, avoiding shaking hands with former President Donald Trump. This act was seen as a significant gesture, overshadowing the presence of other prominent figures like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and former First Ladies.
The main idea of the text is that while five living US Presidents attended the memorial service for Jimmy Carter, the most discussed moment was Karen Pence, wife of former Vice President Mike Pence, avoiding shaking hands with former President Donald Trump. This act was seen as a significant gesture, overshadowing the presence of other prominent figures like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and former First Ladies.